How long did you stick with your New Year’s resolution in 2015? And in 2014? Polls indicate that if you only made it to the end of January you were in good company. Almost 80{f09be4e68a790078494bad402d1ee2d268ae90cb41c80aba0f70f560181e9b3f} of people who make a New Year’s resolution fail to achieve it.
According to Kegan and Lahey, the main reason so many of us fail is because we focus on changing behaviour, when we should work on changing our mindset. I like their analogy of wanting IT to do something different: sometimes we can make that happen by adding on new hardware or downloading an app; other times we won’t be able to use the new hardware or app unless we get a whole new operating system.
The following steps to achieve lasting change are based on Kegan and Lahey’s Immunity to Change framework.